Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Inkodye Part I: Because I Know There Will Be a Part II :)

So I've decided to dabble in textile design and such....

I ordered a book a while back (Mastering the Art of Fabric Printing and Design (So at some point I am hoping I reach master level)) hehe

Anyways, where was I...oh yes! I finally got my hands on my new book last night and it inspired me! This was a blessing in itself because all day yesterday I was really needing some inspiration.

So I ended up deciding I would experiment with the Inkodye my parents gave me for my birthday. :) I have been wanting to do something with it, badly. 

So after some research (like 5 minutes, but it sounds nice), I found a way to use the Inkodye using glass and a dry erase marker! 

The idea: Draw or in my case doodle on a piece of glass.
Then cover the fabric with the Inkodye.
Lay the piece of glass on top of the fabric.
Find nearest sunlight.

The Inkodye is clear right out of the bottle. 
As soon as it sees sunlight it starts to change.
It's really quiet amazing to watch the color appear automatically.
I was pretty excited about the end product.
I know a few things now to make it better, but overall....I feel encouraged and inspired to try more.
The brush strokes from where I applied the Inkodye takes away from the lines I drew.
Had I covered the whole glass with the random circles it would have been really neat.
Although I kinda like the random brush strokes from where I applied the gel.

Can't wait to try this again and make it even better!
Hope your day is beautiful!
I am off to get ready for work...
Smile :) 

P.S. It's hump day!

Monday, May 21, 2012

I'm still around...

I had no idea that my summer would start off this busy! Whew...

Working six days a week is a new experience. Not an experience that I am totally crazy about but I am enjoying the work that I am doing and loving my new job.

On Monday's I am still working some for my old job and Tuesday through Saturday I am at Sprout.

Sprout is amazing. I love talking to customers and helping them decide what to purchase. It's a change of pace from my office job and I am thankful for that.

Saturday, my baby sister graduated from high school. I was so very excited for her! I have pictures to share but my camera isn't with me at the moment. I will get them on here as soon as possible. :D

I need some time with my camera and a relaxing weekend. I need June to stay far away because I am not ready for trig every morning at eight. 

I hope you are having a beautiful day!
Smile :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Late Night Thinking

One day a few years down the road from right now I will be the owner of a store.
That store you walk into and you want everything.
That store that you want to stay in and soak up everything just because it makes you want to live life.
I want to have that store, I want to be the lady smiling behind the counter that wants to know how your day is.
I want to answer the question, "Is this your store?"....with an enormous smile on my face.
Someday I want that. 
Right now I'm dreaming.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I've been practicing my handwriting with my new Bamboo Capture. 
It can be a little frustrating writing digitally, but I'm not giving up! 
I just keep on writing and trying to get the hang of it. 

and yes I even decided to write the alphabet just for practice...
probably the first time in years I have actually written the alphabet.

My new job is wonderful! 
I think one of my favorite things about working in retail and in a cute little store like this is dressing for the job.
I love waking up and dressing really cute every morning and doing my hair and make-up.

I took a few pictures for the store on Wednesday.
Check them out here >>> Sprout baby home garden

I had a small adventure this afternoon.....

Ah dresses make my world go round....especially when I can get two very awesome pieces for thirty dollars :)
*happy dance*
It's safe to say I will most likely be wearing one tomorrow ;)

Good night lovely people...
Smile and love life 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Birthday.

I have had a super amazing wonderfully blessed beautiful day.

;) If that doesn't cover it all then I don't know how else to explain to you how happy I am.

I should probably say that my birthday actually got started right at 12:00.....a.m. 
My fiancee' is in North Carolina. He had my present mailed here and he called right at 12:00 and had me open my present from him. I barely remember doing this but I was very excited to wake up this morning and put my two new charms from him on my charm bracelet.

I started my new job today and it was wonderful. I couldn't ask for a better work environment. They lady I am now working for is so sweet and I can already tell that working with her is going to be a pleasure.

I have it in my head that everyone should dress especially cute and pretty on there birthday, because in doing so you feel even more special. ....and you should just feel pretty on your birthday in general :D

 So of course I had fun getting ready this morning and wore a pretty dress to work.

and I had an awesome surprise at work this afternoon :D
Mrs. Rhonda (the owner of Sprout) had business cards with my name made just for me!
I was "two year old" excited....but no worries I kept my composure ;)

My family is coming to eat with me tonight and I am so excited about my day that I car barely sit still. 
I hope your day was just as wonderful!

Monday, May 7, 2012


I had the most amazing weekend. :)

Thursday and Friday, I took a short trip with my mom and sister to help with a fundraiser.
Friday night was filled with my baby sister's senior athletic banquet and then a late night trip to Wal-Mart with my mom and dad (unplanned is always the best)
Saturday, I made things and smiled a lot. Also enjoyed a Pizza Hut run with the family, plant buying (which is becoming the most exciting part of Wal-Mart for me, this is how I know I am growing up eeek hehe) and then coming home and planting my plants (a.k.a. played in the dirt and I'll take pics of these to show later) 
It is truly a wonderful feeling to do anything I want and not worry about school.
I spent most of my Sunday on a lake in a kayak which was topped off with a surprise birthday party for me. 

*happy dance* :D big smile. 

she's kind of a big deal....high school grad with a new laptop...
Athletic Banquet
Baby Gavin's Shower
My daddy helped me rewire a vintage lamp that I picked up a year or so ago.
I can't remember but I'm pretty sure I payed less than five for it! So awesome! 
:) but not sure where it's going yet...hmmm 
 He also helped me make this wreath from grapevine and I did the arrangement with faux (sounds better than fake  hehe) flowers.
awesome purse I made! I'll show this in another post later and explain :)
(I wreck my parent's bathroom when I'm home. whoops.) 
she's not cooking when she moves in with me. 
or fishing in the house.
My dad recently won a kayak from Bass Pro! yay! (it's the bigger one in the second picture)
We had a blast playing with these Sunday afternoon! Everyone should have a kayak! :) 
and then my family showed up at the lake and it turned into a surprise birthday party!
*happy dance*
I love my family and spending time with them. It's so wonderful to have such a loving and supportive family. 
My mommy, daddy, and sister gave me a Bamboo Capture and Inkodye!
So excited to create something spectacular with both of these! :D

All these pictures are from my phone. Sorry about the not so great quality but I was busy and running around like crazy. :D

Tomorrow, I have to get a sideways license....


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


I'm done
I have another year under my belt. It feels like a blur, especially this last semester.
I can't believe how time flies.
I was sitting in studio this morning when the sunshine started pouring in the tall windows and onto my computer screen as it was rendering images of the space I designed for my final in Revit.

The being done feeling isn't quite appreciated as much as it could be when all you can really think about is how nice it would be to just lay down for a little while.  
I drove to my apartment and brushed my teeth and changed clothes, made my way back to studio to finish up, and filled out a class evaluation. (I don't really remember what I wrote...eek hehe). 

Life is good and I am happy. I can't wait to clean my room and work on a few projects that I have been itching to do. There is a chair that sits waiting to be recovered, a bed frame that needs just a little more of my love, some succulents and a glass container, old coffee tins, a can of chalkboard paint, a book, and the list goes on..... (my camera also waits patiently ;) to capture all of these things)

I can't wait to do what I want to do, with no school work on my mind or a guilty feeling about what I should be doing. I need a break.

This coming Tuesday I will be 22 years old. I will be starting a new chapter. My first real job that relates to what I want to do. Furniture, pretty things, and an independently owned business.

I got off work at five, found my bed, and didn't move until eight or so....I'm recovering from the only all nighter I had to pull this semester. whew. glad it was just one. 

I'm back to bed.

Smile.  :)