Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Just thought I would share my quirkiness....

My studio class...we are designing a dermatology clinic/spa.
Inspiration comes up in discussion.....everyone is like water, rain, reflection....

Conversation turns to me....

Inspiration: Corn

Location: Omaha, Nebraska

Be you. Be Different. Break Down the Walls of Ordinary.
Smile ;)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Out of Hiding for a Moment....

I am at the moment on my "I want to be a fabric designer" kick...

That would be the explanation for this....

Just having a little fun before I meet the family for supper and then hit the books again...although technically I don't think I can say hit the books for my major? ;)

I know it has been forever. I do apologize. Life got the best of me last semester, but all that matters is that I survived. I am now in the Spring semester of my Junior year! Eeeek! Getting so close now to senior year.
I really miss blogging regularly.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, week, month, new in general. 

Smile :)