Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day Dreaming.....

A friend of mine told me yesterday I should write a book. This made me smile :) She said that all the little crafty things I do and the things I make would make a great book. I love writing and I love crafting....hmmm I think she may have made a good point.... My wheels are already turning :) :) :) Things like this make me incredibly excited about life...

I could write it..... it could be quirky like me.....
I could include my random thoughts....a few song lyrics here and there.....or!!! I could include
a soundtrack with the book of all my favorite songs! and people could listen to it while they did projects!

Oh my goodness! :) :) :)

I'm still working on being able to upload pictures.... they are in the wrong format....blah...why can't technology be simple.....

Hula hoop + T-shirts = RUG!!!
Yes, I need to make one soon......

I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day :) Smile :)

Monday, August 29, 2011

I'm back! :)

I'm sure I might possibly be in serious trouble with a few for not blogging in sooo long :(

It's been hectic lately and I am trying my best to get back in the swing of having a million and one assignments. Maybe, just maybe I can get it all together this week. :)

I wish that I could share pictures from my camera with you but for some reason they won't open on my laptop (just discovered this about 5 minutes ago). I could have easily freaked out over this, but I decided to try and remain chill about the situation. 

I have a construction test on foundations (of houses and buildings) and the first part of my collage project is due tomorrow. So on top of economics from 6 to 8:45 tonight, I have a pretty busy day. 

Even though I can't show you the beginnings of my collage (since my camera and laptop decided not to be friends) I thought I would tell you how I did part of it. My idea sprouted from the melting crayon art I made. I needed to be able to manipulate it a little better and actually create defined shapes this time. So I thought I would see how my blow dryer would work with the crayons! I held the blow dryer so it was pointed towards the tip of the crayon until the crayon got to the point of dripping. Then while the dryer was still going I began drawing with the crayon on illustration board! It was so neat! It went on so smoothly and looked more interesting than simply drawing with the crayons. So from now on when you're blow drying your hair.....your thoughts will be....this is actually hot enough to melt a crayon..... my roommate was disturbed by this haha.....whoops! I was just trying to make art :D

Really though! I can't wait to get pictures of it posted! :)

I need a space like this >>>>awesomely cute room! (I couldn't get the picture to load)
I am pretty positive that I could relax in that little window seat :) Yes....I'm daydreaming about it now ;)

Maybe I can get my camera and laptop to come together in harmony and post pictures for you soon!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Furniture Market and New Projects

The furniture market was absolutely wonderful! I had to control the urge to run around and do a million happy dances during the time that I was there :) I tried my best to act like a professional. In reality only business owners are supposed to go to these types of markets. One of my teachers emailed the people over the market and had it approved for his students to attend the market. I was absolutely thrilled to be there.

Some of my comments while being there:
I want to sell furniture.
I want to do this when I grow up.
I'm so happy with life.

I am sure there were a bajillion more things I said like that! I honestly see myself doing something like that someday. I can't explain what an amazing feeling it is to feel like you belong somewhere or to know you want to do something like that for the rest of your life. I want to spend my weekends at markets buying things for my store. I want to spend countless hours arranging my new inventory and working on inspiring displays.

Back to the furniture market, I had an absolute blast and even bought something! I have been wanting display hands forever.....and ever! I like the older ones that  that are specifically for displaying rings. Some of them sort of look like this one....

As much as I would love to have a vintage one I haven't come across one and been willing to let go of the amount that was on the price tag. I'm still searching :)
Anyways, I like random pieces like this and I like (display) hands in general, vintage or not, preferably unique. One of the home decor accessories dealers at the show had a set of hands that I fell in love with immediately! (I know that sounds really strange...hehe) I got the set for 9 dollars!!! They were one of my treasures for the day! On the way out of town we stopped at Atlanta Bread Company and ate a late lunch after that we stopped at an antique store and I found a little glass jewelry box thing...not really sure how to explain it. I have two others made kind of like it...they're perfect for holding my bracelets and earrings! It was my other treasure for the day :) I'll post pictures of them soon!

Sunday, my dad, mom, sister and I went out to eat for my parents 31st wedding anniversary! It's actually today but that was the only time we could celebrate as a family.

I love them so much and don't know what I would do without them!
and I love my daddy's face in this picture! :D

Love this crazy girl!

I had photography yesterday! We started working on scan-o-grams. He had us bring objects to class and then arrange them on a scanner, cover them with a black piece of fabric, and then scan that into the computer. We now have to edit these scans in photoshop and make one that is black and white. We will be using cameras from now on, but this was a neat project to start with. He showed us some examples of this technique in class. They were a little different than what we did, I thingk sort of a primitive form of scanning maybe (called photograms) but some of them are really neat. Here are a few...

Adam Fuss, My Ghost 1999

Stephanie Valentine

I had my interior design studio II class from 8:00 to 11:45 this morning. Our first project is a collage based on a painting. There is a little more detail to it than that, but in short that's it. I am pretty excited about this project and finding pieces to use in the collage. We had certain paintings that we had to choose from and this is the one I chose....

Lee Krasner

I hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon! My camera is in and I can't wait to start snapping pictures! I'm sure I will have tons to share with you soon :)

Don Henley-The Boys of Summer :)  I don't have a list of all time favorites....this would be pretty far up the list if I did though

Friday, August 19, 2011

Random Bliss List

I really like lists! Any kind of list is a good list to me unless of course it's a bad list. I think I am going to start doing a weekly random bliss list! In this list I will include blissful things or things that just make me plain and simple happy! :)

1. Baker's Helper Poster!
Adorable Kitchen Decor For $10.00 on Etsy
.....If you've never heard of Etsy it's kind of like ebay except everything is handmade or vintage! I love it!

2. Terrariums :)
I have been wanting to make one of these since forever ago!

3. These 5 adorable little owls!

4. Chalkboard Walls
Kids can finally write on walls and it's okkkkkk! yes!

5. Smurf village!
I want a cute little mushroom cottage and tons of smurfy friends! :)
6. Vintage Pyrex
....I'm pretty much obsessed :D
I should probably just do a whole blog about this one soon!

7. Hammocks
....are amazing! I have a chair hammock hanging in my bedroom.
I feel like this hammock (in the picture) and I could be very good friends... :)

8. Sam and Ruby
I like their music because it's so calm and they both have incredible voices!
 They have an album and I love all of their songs but these two are really good! If you have a second just click to listen!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Tomorrow I am going to a furniture market! Usually only buyers and store owners are allowed to attend, but being an interior design student opens up some doors. :) I can't wait! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christmas in August!

Originally I was going to rent a camera from the university for my photography class. I contemplated on buying one and talked with my mom and reasoned with myself on why I shouldn't purchase one. Well long story short after class yesterday I ordered one. and oh my goodness I feel like a little girl waiting on Christmas morning. I am ecstatic about this class and learning to use a camera and about all the things that go along with photography! 

This will be mine soon! I must come up with a name for her/him!
(note:I name things randomly,remember "Critter"?)

My teacher gave us a list of things not to photograph. It included: Pets, Cars going down the street, The Chapel of Memories (church here on campus), or anything on campus for that matter. He told us that he wants us to dig deeper and push past the cliches! I love it! He wants us to create art through photographs, not just take pretty pictures. As the semester unrolls I promise to keep you updated on my projects. There are some really good ones! I hope that I can get the hang of this picture taking thing. ;)

Once I get my camera figured out I am going to start using it for the pictures that I post on here. I am sooo very excited! I am also thinking about maybe doing a 365 day self portrait challenge. (May sound conceited, but it's to help me develop new ideas and ways to go about taking pictures.This is one of my favorite blogs and where I saw this idea! >>>> A Beautiful Mess <<<<<<Here is where she gives some tips and ideas!

Breaking news>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MY CAMERA JUST SHIPPED! YIPPIE times a million and 8!
                                      Happy Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!  :) :) :) :) :)

Since I am in a camera state of mind here are two others I am extremely interested in:

First, I want an old mom thinks that they might've had one a long time ago and told me that she would look at her mom's house to see if she could find it. If that doesn't work out, you can get them fairly cheap on EBay. The tricky thing about poloaroids is getting your hands on the film. It can be sort of pricey.

I think poloaroids of random objects displayed together are so neat!

Just an example of some :)

Secondly, I would like to eventually someday own a Holga Lomography Camera. They actually have starter kits on amazon that come with film and a book. Just in case you're interested >>> Starter Kit

Here are  some examples of pictures taken with this camera >>>>>Lomography Pictures
I love the way pictures taken with these cameras turn out! It's almost like instant art!

While it's on my mind, I just want to say that I can't promise I will be able to post everyday once the semester gets going full swing. My major is a very demanding one. However, I will try my hardest to post as often as I can. Even if all I have time for is pictures of my work, I will try and make it happen. I am going to attempt to be more on top of things this semester and not put things off until the last minute.

I can't believe it's Thursday! I hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon!

Smile :)

If you need help smiling, let the sound take you away >>>> Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf!

P.S. I have this one on vinyl!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

whoops for not posting yesterday.... please forgive me.

Ok so let me fill everyone in :) I worked Monday morning so that I could have the afternoon off to spend some much needed pool time with my amazing mom. Later that afternoon we (including my dad) headed to watch my sister (who is now a senior, oh my goodness) play softball! It was a gorgeous day for being outside! It has been way toooo hot here lately so it was definitely a nice treat. After some frosty goodness from Wendy's we called it a day and headed home. I stayed at my parents house Monday night. Then Tuesday, before heading to work, I ate lunch with them. They both work in the same town and eat lunch together everyday. While I was still living at home I used to eat lunch with them quite a bit. Now when I get the chance to eat with them, which doesn't happen often, I make it happen! Last night, the roomie and I went to mariachi night at a Mexican restaurant not too far from our apartment. The food was good and the band was entertaining! Definitely a good way to spend the last night of our summer break! :)

I start my fall classes today! It still hasn't hit me yet that classes are starting, possibly because I was in class all summer long. Today I have a photography class! :) Photography has always been interesting to me so I am hoping and praying that I get a good teacher and that it goes well. I am going to attempt renting a camera from the university, if that falls through I might be dipping into my savings.

I posted about pallet beds Monday and I am super excited to try and get some to use for my own bed! If it works out I'll be sure and post pictures of how it turns out :)  Here are two more pictures of pallet beds that I found!
This one was done for a reading spot in a nursery. More pictures here>>> Ashley Ann Photography

I love how this one has the extra space at the end.

Ohhh and one more thing before I go! Last Friday night I cooked supper for my family including dessert!
I got the idea for this dessert off of a new blog I have discovered >>> Food Coma 
If you're into cooking and trying new things, you should check this one out!

Yummy! :)

Complete with: Coca Pebbles, Marshmallows, Peanut Butter, and Pretzels
 This was a lot of fun to make (and eat)! It's made just like rice krispie treats for the most part and then you press pretzels into the top of it and melt peanut butter and drizzle it over the top!
Even better if you enjoy it over a game of dominos with the family!

Happy Humpday! Smile Big :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

For a while now my mattress at my apartment has been on the floor. I had an older/vintage bed frame but it was extremely squeaky. I don't mind it being on the floor at all. I recently realized that if my bed was raised off the floor someway I would have some extra storage space. Other than the obvious way of buying a frame (which would mean I would also have to buy a box spring) how do you go about raising a bed??? For starters I googled "creative ways to make a bed frame" :) and this is what I got......

Wooden Pallets!
They're cheap or completely free!
And totally awesome!

I realize everyone may not think the same way but you at least have to admit it's a neat idea! If they were all turned the same as the one on the bottom you could easily slide magazines and books in the openings. I might could even find flat wicker baskets or small trays to slide in and out to keep things stored in.

I am in a crunch for time today but I promise more on this tomorrow! Have a wonderful day! :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Smurfs and Poufs both end in fs!

First of all......let me start this blog by saying.....I love the smurfs...

I went to see the new smurf movie last night and I loved it times 18 million and 8! The movie proved to me that smurfs are in fact real. So I would just like to say...

Christmas List:
               1. A Smurf

Upon receiving a smurf I am most definite that my life would be complete. ;)

Second, I wonder if the random people who happen to be in wal-mart parking lot when I come riding by on my buggy headed toward my vehicle, think I am crazy?
Just curious..... :) :) :)

Anywho, the yo-yo project is coming along, slowly but surely.

Earlier this morning I bought a magazine (I take after my nene, I am truly a magazine junkie). It's one of those DIY type magazines. They always inspire me to do make something or rearrange my apartment. :) One of the articles was on a living room re-do. In this living room the designer included a pouf! I was like pouf? Then I saw it and I was like ohhhhhhh.....awesome! This "pouf" was made using an Amy Butler pattern. So what did I do? Google.....and then Ebay!

I bet you're curious.... :)

If your thought process is anything like mine......ohhhhhhh preeeetty...I like!
The pattern makes both sizes shown. The smaller one is 24 inches in diameter and the larger one is 30 inches in diameter.

Here is another style called a Gumdrop!

Amy Butler also has her own line of fabrics, they are splendiforous! I might have to invest in some of it soon!
If you have time check her website out >>>> Amy Butler
Pretty sure I will someday make these and sell them in my store....just sayin ;)

In the last ten minutes I've listened to Black Water, Midnight Rider, and Mississippi Queen....It's going to be a good afternoon......
Happpppy Friday!! I hope everyone has a wonderful, beautiful, relaxing weekend! :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What I Just Realized.....

I should be asleep but I'm not because...

I am laying in bed with the wheels in my crazy mind spinning non-stop. I have always said that I wanted a store of my own. A cute, quirky, little place that had my finger prints all over it. I think I just now realized that it was actually possibly. Lots of people just say they want a store but I think (I know) for me, it's different. I don't see myself doing anything else but being the owner of a store. A home decor store, odd items, handmade treasures, vintage trinkets, comfy yet  brilliant clothing. I don't want a store with rules, I want a store that's home. I want a back corner with a couch and a coffee table where my friends and family can plop down and prop their feet up when they swing by for a visit. I want to be that shop that people that are just passing through tell their friends about when they get back home. I want to spend countless nights working late and coming up with new ideas. I sometimes feel like I don't really have a plan. I do. I have just been ignoring it. I want my own business and up until the point that I am able to open one, (from now on) I'll just consider myself in training.

Night ;)

P.S. stick a record player in that corner with the couch, fleetwood mac or the eagles will do just fine :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mission Statement :)

I wrote this a while back, actually I just looked at the date and it was last  August. :)
I was reading The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and somewhere in it, it recommended that you do something like this. I don't remember what all the directions were and what not, but this is how mine turned out. Some of the sayings are off of things and others I just wrote down. I said that I was going to look at it everyday when I woke up. Oops, maybe I will from now on... :) I encourage you to make your own mission statement. It doesn't have to be like this it can be sentence form, paragraphs, bible verses, or whatever. I remember thinking when I wrote this that I wanted the ideas to be short and to the point so that any time during the day if I hit a rough spot one of the short sayings might pop into my head. I also wrote things down that made me happy or made me smile. A smile can do so much. So here it is..... 

My Mission Statement:

Do What You Like & Like What You Do
Have Optimism
Take Charge & Make a Change
Be Strong & Patient
Love Deeply
Be Happy
Have Faith & Courage
Be Full of Faith
Admire & Inspire
Make a Statement
Do it Yourself & Don’t Blame the World
At Rainbows and Sun Rays
The Smell of Rain
An Act of Kindness
Leaves Falling
A warm Comfy Couch
A Peaceful Place
Good Music
A Memory
Just Smile.
A Little Nonsense Now & Then is Good For The Soul
Be Colorful
Good Vibes Are Contagious
Love Who You Are
Think Outside The Box


Hope you enjoyed that!

So here's where I am on my yo-yo/scarf project...
not too far along but I'm still trying to get my ideas together.

Random thought....I should probably throw something about ice cream in my mission statement...goodness do I love ice cream......

Happy Wednesday! Hope everyone has a fantastic night. :)


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

So I was going to make a quilt/throw out of yo-yo's but until I can find a good deal on fabric that might have to wait.

I went by a place in town this morning called fabriholics and bought some fabric (probably not even enough) to make a scarf. My idea is to make one that has whites and off-whites some with designs and some without. 5, 18 x 24" squares pieces was 14ish dollars.

Here are the pieces that I purchased earlier today. I wish you could actually see the print on the fabric. They're really cute! The top right actually has little stars on it.

I think I am going to make different size yo-yo's for my scarf to add a little variety!
I'll be sure and make good pictures of it once I finish it. :) Hopefully it won't take to extremely long.

This upcoming semester I am doing a directed individual study. I basically came up with a topic to research, my advisor approved it, and now I have to research it and write a paper on it. The topic I came up with was Color Theory. I have always said if there was a major on color, that would be my major. So I intend on trying my best to get something out of this. :)  I am going to try my best not to procrastinate. I ordered a book today that I am hoping will give me some ideas.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday night! :)

Ray LaMontagne-Let It Be Me <<< click to hear :)

There comes a time, a time in everyones life
Where nothin seems to go your way
Where nothing seems to turn out right
There may come a time, you just cant seem to find your place
For every door you open, seems like you get two slammed in your face
Thats when you need someone, someone that you can call.
And when all your faith is gone
Feels like you cant go on
Let it be me
Let it be me
If its a friend that you need
Let it be me
Let it be me
Feels like you always commin up last
Pockets full of nothin, ain't got no cash
No matter where you turn, you aint got no place to stand
You reach out for something and they slap your hand
Now i remember all to well
Just how it feels to be all alone
You feel like you'd give anything
For just a little place you can call your own
Thats when you need someone, someone that you can call
And when all your faith is gone
Feels like you cant go on
Let it be me
Let it be me
If its a friend you need
Let it be me
Let it be me

This is a really good one. Hope you like it too :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Yo-yo Saturday! :)

Technically I didn't spend all day Saturday making yo-yo's.....but I did teach myself how and made a couple before napping in my hammock!

I raided my mom's fabric scraps for this project! :)  I printed instructions off better homes and garden's website and looked at a few other blogs before I got started. This was a fairly easy to do project, the thing is if you want bunches and bunches of them (for instance, to make a quilt) it could be a little time consuming. I enjoyed it though! Now I am on the prowl for cute fabric! I want to make a scarf and a quilt! I also want to try attaching some to headbands.

I used this plate to measure out circles. Whatever size circle you start with your yo-yo will be half that size.

 These are two of my first yo-yo's! yay! I was so excited :)

Here are some more ideas of things to make with yo-yo's. I would really like to try some of these!


Yo-Yo Bot! (supposed to look like a robot)

This is gorgeous!!! Love the colors!

Look closely.....the jacket on the left is made out of yo-yo's!

I like it!

I am so excited to find some cute fabric and get started!!!!

I hope everyone's Monday was beautiful despite the heat!

Smile big :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reading and Randomness :)

I'm incredibly sorry that I didn't post at all yesterday! I wanted to read since I have an abundance of free time now that I am done with class and that's exactly what I did! :) I went to Barnes and Noble before work and grabbed a random book for three bucks off the clerance table. I read it yesterday....all of it....finished it at three this morning.... It was a really nice random book find! I love reading but I hardly ever have time durning the school year.
I went back before work today and grabbed another one but I'm not exactly sure this one is going to hold my attention like the last one.

Sooooooo I have some youtube videos that you guys have to watch! I'd love to be able to do both of these, one I would be more capable of doing than the other I think you'll see what I mean.

Tall Painting <<< Click This to watch!
This is incredibly neat! Holton Rower, a New York based artist, is the man behind this creation. He is the grandson of Alexander Calder. I studied Alexander Calder in an art appreciation class my very first semester of college. His work has always been intriguing to me! So it's neat to know that his grandson is just as much (art) genius as he was. :)
I got this info about Calder off of >>>>Calder, one of America’s most famous sculptors, was responsible for the invention of the mobile. His most well known work features perfectly balanced mobiles comprised of floating shapes in flat, bright colors hanging delicately by wire. They twist and turn, magically hovering in air, while spreading out from a central wire.

Ok so my next must see for everyone is this >>>> Super Sprayer
I was completely shocked! Just trust me, watch it and you'll see exactly what I mean!
If I go into any detail I'll mess the surprise up. :)

I want to learn how to make yo-yo's! I don't mean the toys either... ;) I mean like the fabric yo-yo's that involve needle and thread. I think they would make a cute scarf!

Tomorrow I am taking off of work to spend some time with my sister and my mom, so I probably won't be around a computer at all. That means no blogging. I know I have been a slacker this week. :(
I am excited to have a day off though and also excited that I am getting to spend some time with them! :)

I hope everyone has a fantastically beautiful weekend!! :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Melting Crayons!

This morning it felt weird to actually be able to sleep a little bit later and not have anything to do except eventually get ready for work. :) I was going to get up at 7:30 and run but when my alarm went off I was like I'll just stay here for a little bit longer. So I finally got up at 9:20 and got my crayon project rolling! Last night I hot glued all of them down on a piece of illustration board.

Then this morning I rigged this contraption up so that I could attach them right above the glass piece from the picture frame.

After I attached my fancy little creation to the glass I sat the glass and crayons in the sun in front of my apartment. You can see my shadow...... ;) hehe
It's a little difficult to see, but the glass piece is there. The tape is on the back of it.

>>>>>While I was waiting on them to melt I went to pick up my owl project from my teacher and........I made an A! yay!!!!!!!! *happy dance*

Overall this probably sat in the sun about 2 hours....which now I know was a little bit too long....

This is how it turned out....

This is a picture of the other side of the glass....

When I put this in the frame I think I might do it so that the wax is on the backside of the glass....I haven't decided for sure yet.

Although I now know that the next time I do this I will have to keep a closer watch on it, I think it turned out great for my first time!

I think it would be neat to do some only using certain colors. Easy way to create personalized art using your own personal color scheme!
I might have to try this a few more times it was fun! :)

I am planning on eventually converting a bookcase in my apartment into extra storage space (college apartments lack this). My idea is simple, I just want to make a small curtain to hide whatever might be behind it. I haven't figured out exactly how to go about this yet.

Tonight my cousin is coming to play racquetball with me! I am super excited! I warned him that I might be just a tad bit entertaining (aka my giggle box might flip again).

I hope everyone has an awesome Tuesday night! 

I told my mom I left the crayon thing out too long. She asked did it mess up? I replied...."ummmmm I like to think there are no complete mess ups in art.... Trial and error and then you make it better ;) it looks really neat"

"Art is what you can get away with" -Andy Warhol

Monday, August 1, 2011

Done with Summer School :)

I finished up my Design II class this morning! Even though I hated for it to end, I am extremely happy and thankful to have a little break before the fall semester starts.

I finished the owl project (which was my final) yesterday afternoon. All I had to do was mount it on a black board with a few other things for presentation purposes. I would like to say that over the summer my procrastination problem has improved greatly! I am hoping that this will continue into the regular school year. It helps the stress levels stay down very much so. I would also like to say that Design I and II have taught me some patience this summer. Everything (mostly) in art and life in general, take thought, time, and care. I could tell by looking at my projects if I had rushed something, because it most likely didn't turn out the way I wanted it to or it just looked a complete mess. So in a way, that applies to life...I guess it big time does.... Who would've guessed that I'd get a life lesson out of Design I and II????

This is how I presented the final project. The lower left corner are sketches and inspiration for the project. The lower right hand side includes samples of colors that I used in my design. Then the top right side is my final piece. I will find out tomorrow what I made on it. When I presented it this morning, my teacher said it was a portfolio piece........... :) :) :)

And below are pictures of the second to last project (the weeds). Sorry it took me so long to post it....I should be ashamed of myself......hehe ;)

Ok so now moving on....let me tell you about my weekend!

Friday night (I consider this weekend time) I went back to school/ tax free shopping with my mom, my sister, and her boyfriend. I just feel the need to tell all of you that I got Jessica Simpson jeans fo cheap....yes I meant to leave the "r" off of for.....  They usually cost around sixty dollars or so, I got a pair (code for my sweet mommy bought me a pair) that were......drum roll please.......6 dollars!!! I was so excited. I guess I'm making it apparent that I like a good deal.... :)

Saturday I went wedding dress shopping with my friend. This whole being a maid of honor thing makes me realize that I am in fact growing up....or at least it feels that way. She found the dress! It was the second one that she tried on and it was definitely apparent that she had found it, because her face was glowing. Her wedding is July 7th of next year. We're getting a head start! :) I am her only bridesmaid and I am going to wear a mocha brown dress. I thought mocha sounded better with it....brown alone just kinda sounds like...well brown.....
After we got her dress we went antique shopping! Ah, antique shopping makes any day, a good day. :)
My friend is doing a countryish wedding. So she wants to find a bunch of older mason jars for her center pieces at the reception.


Recently, I have been looking for an older serving tray. One that I could keep on the coffee table and put a neat little stack of books in it along with maybe a smaller vase or something else......I found one :)

It's hand-painted and pretty old. I am going to try and get most of the rust off, but rust and all I love it :)
Except now I'd really rather hang it because it's so pretty....The cut-out part around the rim is magnificent...

Will the crafting stop now that I am done with Design II??? Not hardly!!! :) :) In fact, I am already preparing for my next project......melting crayons.....indeed! I can't wait to get done at the gym and head home to start working on this!

I am going to attach crayons to a piece of illustration board above a piece of glass out of a picture frame and set it out in the sun so that they will melt and the wax will drip/run down the glass. If this goes well I have more ideas! :) I'll keep you posted and of course I'll take pictures. :)

Happy Monday Everyone and God Bless! :) :)