Thursday, March 1, 2012

Loving This Day :D

I'm wearing shorts today and feeling pretty amazing!

This weather has put me in a lovely mood! I must say I wish everyday could be this way!

I'm officially done with classes for the week and hoping for a pretty amazing weekend!
Last night I cleaned out my closet and found myself putting jeans in the "this is leaving my apartment pile" not because they were too small but because they were too big!

This probably has something to do with my mood as well and this isn't a normal topic for my blog but I would like to share a little bit about my experiences with working out and trying to be healthy.

My mood is so much better when I do workout....I think this comes from the fact that I just feel better and when you feel better, everything is better.

Someday's I just don't want to work out. Plain and Simple. Sometimes when I feel this way...I give myself a break and don't....I'm careful when this happens though because I have fallen prey to it before. One break leads to a few days and it's harder to get back on track. So on the days that I don't feel like it, I have found that if I push through and do some type of exercise, I am usually glad I did...and I feel better.

WATER! is your friend!!! How many times have you heard or been told to drink lots of water? I believe in water! hehe Really though....on days when I have made the effort to drink a good bit of water working out is easier work out....what's that you say?? I promise! If you're skeptical and don't believe me then I challenge you.... ;)

When I say I work out......I mean I walk, run, or get on an elliptical for 25 to 30 minutes...Sometime around last Christmas (2010) my friend asked if I wanted to start walking with her in the mornings. We would do a mile every morning during the week. This is where I started and since then I have seen so many changes! Start small....drink water.... 

Recently, I decided that I wanted a kettle ball....Mine is ten pounds and they really aren't expensive. So if you decide to start working out these are cool for working on lots of different areas. I bought mine at Wal-Mart and it came with a little pamphlet (with pictures!) of  things you could do for different areas!

I really super much like food....and I continue to pretty much eat what I want...I just eat less. I used to battle with constantly being hungry. It was really annoying. I don't know the science behind it but once I started working out and making myself eat better, it eventually got better. Once you see a change, you're proud of yourself for that and it makes you want to keep up the good work. At this point I try to stay on track during the week and on the weekends I stray a little. 

If you don't take vitamins...start :) I have noticed them helping me I take Vitamin D (read more here)
"Weight loss. Women taking calcium plus vitamin D are more likely to lose weight and maintain their weight. But this benefit is mainly in women who didn’t get enough calcium before they started taking supplements"

I also take Ginseng...but that's so I can avoid Red Bull and 5-Hour Energy.....

Last but not least, pray about it....just like everything else in life it's a journey. This one will come with many rewards if you stick with it...I promise :)

I know this isn't my usual but I hope it inspires you! 
Smile :)

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