Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fungus Among Us + Sunday Afternoon Adventure.

and a little behind the scenes ;)

I had a blast taking these pictures. It all started the day before when my mom sent me a text telling me to make sure and bring my camera home because there were really cool mushrooms popping up every where. 
So after church we had ourselves a little adventure...beach towel for ground shots included....oh and laying in the middle of our gravel road as well. 
Photography is my therapy.

Have a happy weekend.
and Smile :)

Monday, August 27, 2012 usual ;)

Everyone has wishes and dreams....
Some people call them bucket lists...
I have random pieces of paper and some post it notes
a notebook
with scribbled words...
things I dream of and things that I want to do.
My head spins everyday....
I want more and need more on a daily basis.
Sometimes I am so overwhelmed that I don't know where to start.
Still, I dream of someday and a less hectic schedule.

What do you dream of?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dusting off the Blog

It's been a while I know and I am making a plan and I am going to try my best to work out a schedule and fit everything important to me in life in that schedule. 

This blog included....

It has been a crazy summer and has went by very fast. 

I must tell you for starters though that I passed portfolio with flying colors and they asked to hold on to my portfolio for a while longer so they could use it during a demonstration to show to a panel during the renewing of the interior design departments accreditation. I am thrilled to know that they wanted to keep my work. *happy dance*

Something else new in my baby sister lives with me now! For the first time in a few years we are once again under the same roof! This makes me smile! At this moment in time it is still rather new, but I love it already!

It's late and I just had a movie date via skype! ;) I hope everyone is doing well! 

I'm thinking: 

House Tour.....soon....let me get this place in tip top shape and the little sis and I will show you our little abode. 

Smile :)