Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday and a Random Bliss List!

I want to take a piece of wood cover it in a piece of funky fabric (i can so use my staple gun for this!) and then find some wall bracket like things to set it on.....

Something like this would work...

and tada!!!! cool shelf is born!!!!

Random Bliss List!

1. Whimsical Photography 
A while back I blogged about this device used to create shapes like that in pictures...

2. Picture Frame....or should I say Jar...
Put a picture in a mason jar add olive oil....and you get this...awesomeness....
I want to try it...

3. Bracelet..
When I first saw this I thought it was a ring...but it's a bracelet....either way it's really cool
but...I think they should make a ring too...
Found here >>> Fancy French Cologne

4. Awesome Chair...
I would sit there....well kinda I'd probably have to stand and look at it first
....admire it's beauty...then sit... ;)

5. Magazine Tree!
...yes I do believe I'd like to make one!

6. Letterpress...
I'm kinda into typography at the moment...I wish I could find some of these old letters in a antique or junk store.....

7. Colorful Belts...
These are really cute...
Found here >>>Soul Flower

8. Like...
The light denim top is going  on my to-find list along with a skinny brown belt..... :) 

9. Boots...
Hi, my name is Shadow...I am a boot-aholic...
I love the big zippers!! these are just wonderful...and I love the tall socks!

10. Re-vamped Sweatshirt...
If I had time to sew right now.....I would try this!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I have tons of studio work to get done...and not enough daylight... 

Smile :)

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