Monday, October 24, 2011

A Sense of Place

Hi :)

So I have another photography project due Wednesday and.......I'm done today! :) yay :) *happy dance!
Things are kind of hectic right now....this semester is quickly winding down and I have noooo idea where all the time has gone. I still have tons to get done which is scary....but I can do this for sure :)

Like last time, I'll explain the assignment and the pictures will be below...

A Sense of Place
For this assignment you will use photography to describe place. The type of place you would like to depict is up to you. Are you interested in interiors, exteriors, the domestic, the industrial, landscape, etc... How does photography function as a visual text to describe through images the essence of place?

A little more info: These pictures were taken at an abandon house near my parent's home. I had seen this house on many occasions but had never stopped to observe it like I did for this project. My original intent was to take pictures of the exterior of the house. When I got closer to the house...and of course me being the curious person that I am...I realized there was tons of furniture and other things that had been left behind....You can imagine my surprise. I honestly felt like I had stumbled across an open treasure chest. 
I can't help but wonder why?... Why would you leave furniture like this, that looks like it has barely been used...even after it has been somewhat exposed to the elements now? Why wouldn't you take things like this with you? What was their story or did it end abruptly? 
Of course the fact that this is an interior with lots of really awesome colors attracts me....but my brain...which always thinks too much...would love to ask someone...a million questions.....

I hope you enjoy these and I also hope your Monday is going wonderful...
Smile :)

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