It's Friday and I finally found a few extra moments.........
I must say that I have truly missed blogging and I promise that as soon as I can get a grip on my multiple final projects I will be back... :)
I've been busy busy and there's always something more to be done......
Two weeks until Thanksgiving break (which probably won't be too much of a break).... I'll be swamped with finishing up projects because the week after Thanksgiving, finals start and final presentations are scheduled......
but thennnnnnnnnnnnnnn................a whole month of NOOOOO school! yay!
I absolutely love Christmas time and spending time with my lovely family! :) I just hate that the times you enjoy so very much have to pass by so quickly......
So here are some pictures of what's been going on and stuff....... :)
So very happy that it's chilly now and I can wear my awesome yellow coat!
That button up I'm wearing underneath is the J Crew button up I thrifted a few weeks ago! I love it and it's super soft and comfy.....
This is....
how interesting shopping trips with my mom and sister can be......
(notice that her jeans and boots look like the wall landed on a person???)
......wouldn't trade shopping days with them for anything!
Sketches of the floor plan for the space I am designing.....
look familiar??
It's the same model that I hand built and the actual building that I posted pictures of a while back...
I drew this model in Google SketchUp..... :D
....and these are materials that I am thinking about using in the space! yay! fun! :)
This past Sunday I was inducted into an honor society (Phi Kappa Phi)...
I was super excited and honored.....even more so that my parents and sister got to share my special day with me (oh, and of course, my sister's sweet boyfriend....he took this picture)
There he is :)
......this is me after the ceremony.....and those are the cords I received from the honor society to wear when I graduate.....eventually.... :) :) :)
and yes I know I look crazy in this picture ;)
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :)