Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Bliss List!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

1. Fabric Wrapped Necklace...
Find the how to here>>>> My Cakies

2. Pasta Kabobs...
only problem is there is no recipe to go with this.....I'm thinking I might try it though...
Salami, Pepperoni, Black and Green Olives, Cherry Tomatoes, Pasta, Feta Cheese.....Soaked in Italian Dressing..... 

3. VW Toaster....
soooooo adorable....I already have an addiction to bread this would just make it worse....
normal sandwich becomes VW awesome sandwich!

4. Dance....
I don't know if anyone has picked up on this....I happen to be a fan of dancing :D

5. Rooting/Bud Vases....
these are absolutely gorgeous...I want that many hanging in my window...
I actually stumbled across a shop during spring break that had some sort of like this....
I fell in love and one came home with me... :)

6. Stained Glass...
this is actually made of different pieces of's absolutely gorgeous!
found here >>>> Daniel Maher Stained Glass
he does classes for this! too bad I'm not anywhere near Massachusetts....

7. A Lady's Bathroom..
I do declare.....I love it!

8. Umbrellas...
and an amazing window....

9. Ginko...
This was always the easiest tree for me to remember when I took Botany...
back in my sophomore year of college....eeeeek hehe

10. Rope Basket...
this is super cute and would make for handy storage too...
you could also wrap the rope halfway up some type of glass piece for a really cool look! 


Thursday, March 22, 2012

I have words.

I have words to give you. That's all I have today. Sometimes I believe that's all you need.

Believe in something and embrace everything that it is and in everything that it makes you feel.
Smile at simple things, no matter how big or small.
Listen to the music, not just that coming through the speakers. I'm talking about the real stuff. 
Dance, even if it's just a small wiggle. Everyone can move, don't say you can't.
Love recklessly and hopelessly. Arms wide open.
Create anything. Art. Relationships. Memories. Laughter.
Speak your mind. Spill your soul.
Be you.

Take these words and make them yours. Write something short about each and believe in that.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring :)

 Once upon a time....
and then there was Spring. :)

I adore Spring and all things beautiful (except pollen). 
Spring Break
Pretty Flowers
Pretty Dresses
Pink Nail Polish
Adorable Sandals
The Weather
Perfect Sunlight

All of these are underway and Easter is just around the corner. I adore Easter. From the Early morning church service, to dye stained finger tips.
Spring is beautiful. The weather forecast in heaven will always be Spring. I'm positive. ;D

I have an enormous urge to make something right now...I have no idea what though.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sweet Baby Gavin

This little man is the newest member of my family.

Gavin :)
...this is my favorite

My aunt and uncle have been trying to adopt for a very long time and this little bundle of joy made their wish come true. I was excited when I finally got to meet him and really excited to take some sweet pictures of him! This was my first experience with photography and a little one combined. I really enjoyed it and I hope it's the first of many times. (I'm sure I will have many more of this little fellow too!)

Smile :)

**and the news I mentioned Friday**

I was recently asked to present my studio work and projects to a group of younger girls in an interior design 4H program! I was super excited to be a part of something like this! I will actually continue to help throughout the next few months while they prepare for competition. This should be an interesting little journey! I'll keep you updated :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

So here it is....

This week has been pretty wonderful.....

This was for a Studio Lighting project.
Idea: photograph an object and leave negative space (for text) so that it can become an ad 
It went great and I was pretty happy about how it turned out!

 Another shot I got of this awesome vintage globe my roomie bought for me!
She knew I  wanted one for this shoot and found it at a thrift/antique store.
Yay! :) *happy dance*

I took this photo with my regular camera while looking through the viewfinder 
on a vintage Kodak brownie camera! (It's fuzzy forgive me)
Expect more like this (better quality of course)
*happy dance number 2*

Next week is Spring Break!!! 
I hope your weekend is wonderful!
Smile :D

**News Monday about what I have on my agenda for this afternoon!!!
It's good stuff...promise ;)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Levi's Curve ID

Question: Do you have problems finding jeans that fit right? 

Really?! Me too!!

This has always been an issue for me. I have a few pair of jeans that fit just right and then I have those that well if you're a lady you probably know and you have probably fought the jean battle as well. Shopping for jeans used to be horrible. I am hot natured...pulling jeans on and off multiple times...then I'd start burning up in a confined dressing room and then moody me would just be like ugh I give up.....

I now have a few pair of jeans that I dearly love and this problem isn't as bad as it once was. For Christmas my mom bought me two pair of Levi's (skinny and flare leg). I really really like these, they fit nicely, and I feel confident in them.

One of the blogs I keep up with recently did a video for Levi's about their Levi's Curve ID Quiz.
 Find here>>>My Cakies. I thought this was really neat and I actually took the quiz myself it's really simple and doesn't take long at all. So the next time you are jean hunting, check this out. I thought it was helpful and I just wanted to share it! :D

Take the Quiz >>>>Levi's Curve ID Quiz!!!


Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Love!

I just had to share this little creation of mine with you!
A week or so ago I shared a little doodle I did of a Kodak Brownie camera...
Well last night as I was chunking more stuff in my "it's leaving this apartment" pile, this bag made me pause....
a light bulb popped on in my head and I grabbed a metallic Sharpie and got to it!
*happy dance*

It has a weird logo on the opposite side but I plan to cover that up with a cute piece of fabric! (maybe a pocket!)

I hope you are enjoying the day! 
Smile :)

Etsy Love!

I love Etsy! I always find the neatest things while browsing on there. :) 
Just wanted to share a few of those awesome things with you!

This is one of the slide trays that went with the older style projectors. 
I think it would be really neat to use as a stand for photos and cards :) you can find it here...

 I don't really know what to call these or what the story is behind them.
But I fancy them...hehe ;) I have a few of my own....3 to be exact! They hold my jewelry 
and things... 
 Find them here!

So...I'm kinda wanting an old milk crate...I like the way they look.
In general, I just like unexpected pieces used in unexpected ways!
It's fun and mixes up the routine of everyday life :)
find it here!

I found some awesome chairs this afternoon at a thrift store. I got the pair for 20 dollars and I am going to try and reupholster them. This is something that I have been wanting to teach myself to do for a super long time! I'll try and get pictures on here of them! 
I also learned a thrifting lesson...
if you see it....and want it.....
sometimes when you go back things are gone....
sometimes those things are amazing pieces of furniture that would have only costed 25 dollars....

I was already planning out it's new life with me.....
it was going to be beautiful....
Lesson learned..

I am just going wasn't meant to be.
even though that bummed me out I am still pumped about the two other chairs I found!

I hope your weekend puts a smile on your face!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Loving This Day :D

I'm wearing shorts today and feeling pretty amazing!

This weather has put me in a lovely mood! I must say I wish everyday could be this way!

I'm officially done with classes for the week and hoping for a pretty amazing weekend!
Last night I cleaned out my closet and found myself putting jeans in the "this is leaving my apartment pile" not because they were too small but because they were too big!

This probably has something to do with my mood as well and this isn't a normal topic for my blog but I would like to share a little bit about my experiences with working out and trying to be healthy.

My mood is so much better when I do workout....I think this comes from the fact that I just feel better and when you feel better, everything is better.

Someday's I just don't want to work out. Plain and Simple. Sometimes when I feel this way...I give myself a break and don't....I'm careful when this happens though because I have fallen prey to it before. One break leads to a few days and it's harder to get back on track. So on the days that I don't feel like it, I have found that if I push through and do some type of exercise, I am usually glad I did...and I feel better.

WATER! is your friend!!! How many times have you heard or been told to drink lots of water? I believe in water! hehe Really though....on days when I have made the effort to drink a good bit of water working out is easier work out....what's that you say?? I promise! If you're skeptical and don't believe me then I challenge you.... ;)

When I say I work out......I mean I walk, run, or get on an elliptical for 25 to 30 minutes...Sometime around last Christmas (2010) my friend asked if I wanted to start walking with her in the mornings. We would do a mile every morning during the week. This is where I started and since then I have seen so many changes! Start small....drink water.... 

Recently, I decided that I wanted a kettle ball....Mine is ten pounds and they really aren't expensive. So if you decide to start working out these are cool for working on lots of different areas. I bought mine at Wal-Mart and it came with a little pamphlet (with pictures!) of  things you could do for different areas!

I really super much like food....and I continue to pretty much eat what I want...I just eat less. I used to battle with constantly being hungry. It was really annoying. I don't know the science behind it but once I started working out and making myself eat better, it eventually got better. Once you see a change, you're proud of yourself for that and it makes you want to keep up the good work. At this point I try to stay on track during the week and on the weekends I stray a little. 

If you don't take vitamins...start :) I have noticed them helping me I take Vitamin D (read more here)
"Weight loss. Women taking calcium plus vitamin D are more likely to lose weight and maintain their weight. But this benefit is mainly in women who didn’t get enough calcium before they started taking supplements"

I also take Ginseng...but that's so I can avoid Red Bull and 5-Hour Energy.....

Last but not least, pray about it....just like everything else in life it's a journey. This one will come with many rewards if you stick with it...I promise :)

I know this isn't my usual but I hope it inspires you! 
Smile :)