Thursday, September 1, 2011

all this from a painting.....

I'm not exactly sure how to say this.....but I created a space from a painting....

this painting to be exact.

I posted a picture of this painting by Lee Krasner week before last maybe? I can't remember.
It had to do with the collage project I have been working on in my Interior Design Studio class. To say the least there have been a few rough moments. This is a very detail oriented class and every thing you do is critiqued and there is always room for improvement. Talk about stress. ;) 

Anyways, there are thoughts in my head and tons of analytical drawings on my desk. I can't tell you how much trash (nickname for tracing paper) I have been through and how many times I have just sat and stared at this painting.

Today, after being flustered as all get out for the past two days, I saw it...... I was having a desk critique with my professor (he actually stands over your desk and tells you what he thinks) and I saw this as a space. When I say space I mean an interior :) 

One of the collage designs is supposed to have depth...I was working on this and.......I saw it... office space... long curved corridor made up of panels/partitions (maybe suspended from a 12 foot ceiling), these suspended partitions would  allow light to pass over the tops of the panels, this way the space wouldn't be completely closed off..... office spaces/pods off each side of the corridor......I call them pods because in my mind they are unique round office spaces (a play off of the organic shapes in the painting).....

this may not make sense.....but eventually it'll be a model....I'll take pictures :)

all this from an abstract painting........

Happy Thursday! Smile Big :D

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