Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good Morning!
One of the good things about going to an SEC school is that football is king and on occasion it overrides classes and work (on campus). So when a Thursday game is on the schedule you can bet that Thursday will be a (whole or half) day off dedicated to getting ready for the game and tailgating....This being in a way is my Friday :D  .......however I am a nerd and kinda hate that I don't get to go to my studio class tomorrow :(  on the other hand.....sleeping in tomorrow will be great considering the sleep I have lost so far this week.....goodness there are just so many variables in this equation hehe :)

...the sleep I have lost....this topic brings me here.... I got in bed at 4 this morning, but my study model is finished! yay! *happy dance* 


Back and Roof

Roof (or should I say removable roof) 

What looks like card board around the bottom is chip board (kind of like a fancy card board). It represents the slope of the ground against the building or the way the building sits on the ground...not sure which one is a better explanation. Beside pins I also used this glue stuff... you put it where you want it then you spray it with this special spray that smells ten fumes way too funky and it stays in place forever.....and ever....the really some got on my fingers....eeek....

So I have photography from 12:00 until 2:45...after that much needed nap time...goodness....

Last night (my friend and I were the only two in studio) and I told her, even though it was 3 in the morning I didn't mind being there because what I was doing wasn't something that I absolutely hated doing. In fact, I actually really enjoy being in studio and working on projects. It consumes you somewhat, so you zone out to your own little world....It's a good world :) and I suppose since this is the path I'll be on for a good while, it's a good thing that I enjoy it. :)

Have a wonderful day everyone! :)

Pumped Up Kicks <<< These aren't the original singers of this song, but when I was looking for the originals on YouTube I found this...they have amazing voices!

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