Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend Re-cap!

Happy Tuesday Everyone! 

I hope your Labor Day weekend was everything you wanted it to be and more. :) Friday night my family decided on a quick trip to Fort Payne, Alabama! We love Fort Payne and the surrounding little communities, like Mentone! We like this area because it isn't too ridiculously far from home and it's a really laid back area. We absolutely love Little River Canyon (National Preserve)! Click here <<<< for more info! Who knew there was a canyon in Alabama? We didn't until a year or so ago and we've been addicted since we first went. 

This picture is from last March (I think that's what month it was) when we went! There isn't always this much water...but even with just a little bit it's still gorgeous.... :) I think you probably see why we like it so :D

We have a tendency to put moma a little on edge when we start venturing this close to enormous drop-offs ;)

Maybe I can get some pictures uploaded soon from this weekend! I took pictures with my camera (for class) as much as I could....

My day off was spent in studio working on the final for the collage project...and I took a break to help my sister find a homecoming dress :)

So this morning I had to get up extra early to dress professionally and put a few finishing touches on my project. I was kind of nervous about presenting but  I felt confident about my work......It went wonderful! I prayed and prayed up until it was my turn to present....I don't think it could have possibly went any better! My professor complimented my work and my presentation :)

This is bigger than it looks....each section is 9 x 20"
The first board is foreground, second is background, third is foreground & background
combined, and the fourth creates depth and was based off inspiration from the other 3.

After class, I walked across campus to get lunch with a friend from class....I don't know about any where else in the world today...but as for here, it is absolutely gorgeous and feels amazing! 

I just randomly got a text from the same friend, who happened to stay in studio after I left for work, and she told me that our Studio I teacher (also head of the dept.) saw my project and "really really liked it"....This made my heart skip a beat. This major is a hard one....A lot of people don't realize exactly how much we do and how difficult it can be....    If a professor has something good to say about a project that I have lost hours of sleep over.... I smile big and do a lot of happy dancing :D 

I've got lots of catching up to do in microeconomics....ewe...so I better get started reading (and trying not to fall asleep)....

I hope everyone has a wonderful afternoon :) 

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