Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I'm pretty positive that I love all things Christmas...

The twinkling lights, the smiles, the family gatherings, pretty ornaments, tall trees, pretty presents, and everything........

Eventually...I would like to start a collection of vintage  Christmas ornaments.
I found this set on here!

I'm guessing you're already catching on to the colors I like ;)
find these here!

I dream of a white tree.....very colorful....with tons of ornaments...
hmmmm so pretty :)

Love this!!! Actually I love anything under the glass thingys like this!
found here! There are tons of other pictures of this lady's house on her blog! I love it! and she makes a lot of the stuff :D

I can't tell you how much I love having my own little apartment to decorate! It's blissful for me because it's something I've always wanted. I tweak things all the time! and even now 12 days until Christmas, I am still wanting more decorations! ;)

Smile :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weekend Smiles :)

This weekend was nice and beautiful......... :)

Saturday was complete with a trip to Dirt Cheap (yes that happens!)
I'm super duper sorry if you're like "ick....Dirt Cheap....really???" Yes really! and let's just say Dirt Cheap is a place for this imagination of mine to run wild!!!! If ever you are in need of a shopping spree for the heck of it on a tight budget....don't rule this place out or any junk store for that matter! I love shopping for my little apartment just as much as (or maybe more than) I love shopping for myself! So you ask......what exactly did you find that was so great???? ah well let me just show you! ;) thrifting+photography=ahhhhhh.......oh! and a *happy dance!

First! I found these awesome draperies! I haven't decided how their story will go yet....will they live their lives as they are or will they become nice throw pillows??? who knows?? ;D

Then! I spied this amazing pillow that just so happened to match my sofa pretty amazingly! The catch???
one tiny hole about this big ____________ (literally) but never fear! I know how to use a needle!

Ahhh and now the story turns to these guys.....they are adorable!! (made for oil and vinegar) I'm thinking there are ten tons of possibilities! I love oil and vinegar, however my dish washing liquid would look a little more appealing in one of these!
Ohhhhhh by the way!!!! that awesome bowl/platter in the background???? was an early Christmas present from my sweet roomie! She wouldn't let me wait until closer to Christmas.....It's made out of paper mache....and hand painted :) absolutely beautiful!   

Saturday night, was fancy dinner/girl's/Christmas night out! yay for getting all dolled up and going out to eat! I'll share pictures as soon as I get some! :)

I wrapped the weekend up with supper at my church Sunday night and a Christmas light adventure afterwards (with my family).
I adore twinkling Christmas lights! It knocks me from 21 to 2..... hehe

Have an amazing day and smile :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Adventure in Treasure Hunting....

Last Friday after work I decided that I needed to do a little antiquing/thrifting/junking...... ;)

So I did......

there are two really interesting parts to this story.....I'll start with the "oh no!!!" part first....

Here we go..... as I was standing at the register (with my awesomely amazing I have to have this it's going home with me finds.....I'll get back to this part) getting ready to bargain with a little lady on prices while making small talk and smiling...... I laid my keys down on the counter and the "oh no!!!!" moment happened.... my student ID wasn't in my little key chain holder thingy ma do... for a split second I was like what in the mind shot back to lunch a few hours earlier.......I was wearing tights (bet you're like what in the heck is she talking about) well this means noooo pockets.....nooo pockets meant that when I picked my lunch up (I was on campus so I swiped my ID for it) I just dropped my ID in the bag with my lunch (because I had nooo pockets to put it in)...........ok are you with me so far???

whew....ok so I sat at the conference table and ate my lunch.....when I got done I balled the bag up and...........chunked it......yes I chunked it.....threw it away, trashed it, put it in the trash can....I threwest thou                 
trash and they dearest ID away.... rewind back to the antique store and counter....forget bargaining.....she put my treasures in bags and I headed back to campus.....praying that the trash hadn't been taken out......

God takes care of crazy people.......I found my precious ID right where I'd left it.....thankfully it was on top ;)

hehehe hope you enjoyed that :D

Ok so you're like hey you what are those old cameras up top for!  :) :) :) :) :) 
.....those are two of my treasures I found on that eventful day!

ahhhh I am addicted to photography! I thought they turned out beautifully in black and white! :)

I also got this awesome little dish...... (3 dollars!!)

I'm planning on it becoming home to my perfume bottles... :)
Lastly I got nine clear Christmas ornaments! yay!!! 

I loveeeee treasure hunting!!!! :D

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday :) :) :) I have so much free time now! :) *happy dance!

I cleaned some yesterday, made yo-yo's, took pictures, made a bow for a wreath (complete with jingle bells for the low price of four dollars!!!!), made tissue paper poms (in Christmas colors!), had supper with my super amazing loving family, found out I made an A in studio know just the usual.... :) hehehe 

Have an amazing weekend! Do something fun and enjoy this beautiful time of year!!! :)


Thursday, December 8, 2011


I don't even know what to consider my mood right now......I'm not even sure I am completely relieved yet....

After months of nothing but what felt like torture at times, I am finally done. 

Studio II is behind me. Model built. Construction plans drawn. Two presentation boards designed and printed. Photos of model taken. Furniture and finish selections made.

Ten page paper written. (pulling teeth would've been easier)

Economics. (hopefully passed)

Final photography project being mounted as I type.

For the next couple of weeks I don't even want to think about school.......

I just want to relax. Go to the gym. Read a book. Make something awesome. Clean my bedroom. Clean my apartment. Waste time without feeling guilty about it.........ahhhhhhh the things college will do to you ;) 

oh and of course..........I'll be blogging more regularly now :) 

I promise they'll be better after today! I'm just kind of in a daze right now...... "is this really over".........

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just in Case you Forgot Me.....hehe Sorry I've Been Away...

Tuesday Night.....I got in bed at 5 and woke up 7ish.....that was the last time I slept.............

I have really amazing news though.......that semester long project?  Done! ;)

I don't think it's hit me yet.......better yet anything could hit me right now and I don't think I'd really now or have the energy to care......that's really horrible I's done!

**HAPPY DANCE** times a million and 1......

I saw the sun rise from studio this morning, left at seven to go home and make myself business professional....

but before that (let me rewind, and I'm sorry if none of this even makes sense, it's because my brain is mush from lack of sleep, ok anyways back to the story) my sweet, awesome, amazing mommy surprised me by dropping by studio to see me and to drop off about exited daughter! that was me for sure!

She's really great.....I'm not even kidding :) :) :)

I don't know how I do this's really crazy to think of everything that went into this project.... starting with Day 1 of those crazy collages.....

As soon as I can I will get pictures on here of my final presentation boards :)

I did this rendering of my space in Google SketchUp..... :) 
yay! I did that :)

......getting closer to that dream of mine everyday :)

yall will be hearing from me on the regular again! :) After next week I am out for Christmas break! 
my oh my how time flies.....

smile :)