Thursday, July 31, 2014

Random Bliss List

It's been a while...just so you know my bliss in randomness hasn't changed a bit!

1. Mother-in-law's tongue....
I recently became a proud owner of one. Now I am in search of the perfect planter and stand.

2. This weird thing...
just makes me happy....check it out in this super awesome studio tour > here!

3. I am a bit of a chair lover...
and these are killer.

4. hung up...
we could talk about how pretty this lacy tank is or....
I could tell you how intrigued I am by this great hanger.
Find the top > here!

5. love everything...
I have been known to care deeply about...well everything.
just some words to make you think :)

6. help...
me understand why this hugely awesome piece of greatness is not in my home.
much Beatle lovin' here.

7. best hardware ever...
it speaks for itself ;)

8. turquoise...
you can never have enough.

9. Greece...
I could see myself hanging out there.

10. pond pod...
because everyone needs a pond and a pond pod!

Happy Friday Beautiful People!

Smile big for the weekend :)

Life Lately

4th of July weekend I took a trip out west to visit this guy.

He is currently working in Nevada & picked me up at the airport in Salt Lake City. 

My parents are adventurers (so I was no doubt born to be one myself). We went out west a few times when I was younger. I remember loving it then. Nothing has changed. 

I was all two year old....whoa pretty mountains.....the whole time. I would take pictures then turn to him and say this just doesn't work you can't capture this beauty in an image. He would just smile at me <<< he knows I am an crazy one.

 I love adventuring and finding new things especially when I get to adventure with someone who enjoys adventuring just as much as I do. 

all of that white stuff around me is salt!

I was so amazed.
you may be wondering if I tasted it....
and if you weren't wondering well I suppose now you may be thinking, "she tasted it"
if that's what you are thinking....I totally did.
it tasted....salty. 
and all I could think about was how badly I needed a tomato at the time.

We had an awesome weekend. It included: a waterfall, snow, and one heck of a hiking trip that took a total of 5 hours >>> and then we had some of the best pizza that I have ever put in my mouth >>> we might have had ice cream after (I'll never ever tell).

technically this was a late post, but I felt it necessary to catch everyone up on the adventures I've been on lately.

I'm out for the night.

smile people :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

...back from Jupiter

In honor of my one year hiatus...

I feel that it is only necessary to pick back up where I left off and spread a little sunshine.

Let me catch you up. This will be the quick version. If I wrote about the past year we would be here a while. I would get bored. You would too. There would be way too many words and see :)

So folks >>> let's break this down.

I graduated college. It was truly one of the best days of my entire life.

yes. that is in fact a huge flower on my dress.

....and there were flowers on my cap too!

I smiled all day long.

on an honest note: a few years ago when I started this blog I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel.
prayers and love fed my soul and got me through. 
truly an amazing day spent with a few of my biggest fans.

so I graduated >>> what next?
I accepted a job with Worlds Away in Memphis, Tennessee as a design assistant!
(this is the company I did an internship with last summer)

really though what next....
not just the job.
what's next >>> finding myself.
what? you didn't do that during school.
no. well I mean maybe a little.
life is a journey.
never stop learning & growing.
if my journey was done, if I was done > I wouldn't still be here.

my little abode here is quiet the cozy spot. 
It's an awesome place to dream up new dreams and discover new things that need discovering.
with all my spare time (since I no longer have school work) I picked up a new hobby.
(I'll do a post about this new hobby soon)

see you soon...promise ;)