Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 1: Design II and Primitive Printmaking

So, I'm new to this blog thing and I am still learning, if anything is crazy that's my excuse... :)

Earlier today I went to my Design II class and unlike most classes I hated that I had to leave. We are currently working on a project that involves printmaking, very primitive printmaking, but that's the beauty of it! You never know exactly how the project is going to turn out and sometimes what one (mostly the person who designed it) sees as a flaw or complete mess up, is perfect and incredible to another viewer. I can't wait to do some serious cardio after work (to work off that delicious cheese danish from this morning) and get to work on my prints! So I feel that I should probably explain what and how... We're using foam sheets (the cheap stuff found in any craft section) to cut-out designs. Then we paste those to a piece of scrap illustration board, to make a homemade stamp basically. Then we stamp those on to different sheets that have previously been painted. The project has different requirements and elements that have to be incorporated such as color scheme and  foreground/background images. After the prints are done, the idea is to collage different sheets together. I can't wait to see how they turn out. I'm hoping that these will be nice enough to include in my portfolio. I will try and upload pictures of the collages once I completely finish!

Hope everyone is having a gorgeous day despite the heat!

Owl Stamp

This is an example of what I am doing, just to give you an idea! The project is a little more intense and can't be a single stamp or something this defined.
much love goes out to this little owl
not exactly right for my project, any other time I would for sure try it...

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