Monday, July 18, 2011

Thoughts for the day...

I've come to the conclusion that life isn't always easy, and that the saying you don't always get what you want isn't exactly always true.

To an extent, you can get and have what you want but is it really what you need or  what God wants....
I know so far my blogs have been not so serious, but today I just need to get some thoughts off my chest.

I believe in God like there is no tomorrow. I believe he gave me everything that I have today and for that I am extremely thankful. Without him I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have anything. I know that if I ask him to help me he will, because he has proven himself to me time and time again. Even without that I would still believe in him. He lifts me up when I am hurting and guides me when it's dark. I probably pray about things that some people would think I was nuts for but my faith in God is that strong. I don't give God ten percent of each check that I receive because I have to, I do it because I know it's right and I have seen the miracles and the wonders that he has worked because I am so faithful and willing to give to him. I give him the glory and tears come to my eyes when unannounced scholarships fall into my school account, because I know it came from his hand. I know that he has a plan and I know that if I trust him he will guide me. I fall, almost every week. My school work is tough and I often find myself doubting that I can do something or make a deadline. Those of you who talk to my mom much probably know the setbacks I have encountered in the past year and the hurdles that I have had to jump. (for those of you who don't: an added year of school and a failing hard drive, just to name a few)
I took the added year of school as God's way of telling me to slow down. And the hard drive failing days before a project was due, well to make a long story short, I got a new one in about two days.  Not to mention, I only had a short period left on a warranty that allowed me to get a new one free. Before I walked in the tech center to ask someone to look at my laptop, I told God I was giving my problems to him and asked him to let his will be done. The moment the guy in the office ran a test on it and looked up at me to tell me that my hard drive was failing, I believe God laid hands on him. He became my angel for the next few days and got everthing running smoothly again. In today's world people aren't always that nice, but God's people are.

Always trusting God is easier said than done.... it would be so nice if for once I could just put all my emotions to the side and follow what I know he wants me to do.

My problem with following it is that I don't know what to expect after I take that step. I know trusting him is again the only answer......but as I am sure all of you know it's easier said than done....

I am facing a pretty big hurdle at the moment. It isn't school related and it isn't life threating. Just one of those things that you sometimes have to face.

I'm pretty sure I know the answer and I feel God pulling on my heart strings, now I just have to take a leap of faith....

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