Friday, September 30, 2011


    a great desire to travel and rove about

Today, I wish.....that I could get away.
that I could pack my bags and spread my wings.
that I could call a cab to haul me away.
I wish...

 I want to buy new nail polish....and paint my finger wait better yet, I want someone   to paint them for me.....

 I want to make tissue paper poms.....because they make me smile
....I think I will

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Every Day is a New Day! :)

I am completely glad that I can now say yesterday is in the past, gone, behind me, soon to be forgotten......

It was just one of those days......and my roommate knew this....

So when I woke up this morning I found this...................
and a note stuck to the bathroom mirror.
It made my morning :)

I randomly found this photography blog and I really like her shooting style.....Wildflowers Photos
I like the whimsical feel that a lot of her pictures have....whimsical is one of my favorite words... :)

This shoot was inspired by the princess and the pea....I thought it was adorable!
Click to see more from this shoot>>> The Princess and The Pea

I like the way everything looks vintage and sort of magical....I've kinda figured out that I like to try and achieve this when I take pictures.

I can't believe that October is just a few days away....

I recently stumbled across this artist and I think she's great....Missy Higgins--Where I Stood

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :) Smile....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Really Random, but I think you'll like it :)

As for today....well to say the least it's been a challenge....
and I've come to the conclusion that freaking out is part of the design process.....

I have to do a self portrait for my photography class.

I really really like this one a lot.....

Totally pumped to share it with everyone!

I have been listening to my new Cd's and I have discovered a new (to me) Fleetwood Mac song!!!
They're just amazing! 

I love it how God does things for me.....Yesterday, morning I was leaving for class and I was in a hurry but I stopped at the top of the stairs and saw a book laying in my bedroom floor.....and I thought "get it" for a split second I was like but I don't need it so why take it??..... (In these situations I always try and go with what I feel or my instinct rather) when I walked back in my bedroom to grab camera bag was laying right there next to it...(I had photography class yesterday so I needed it)....I shot him a quick smile and thank you.....He's my everything and more....

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret--it leads only to evil.   Psalm 37:8

I have to remember this on days like today when my temper would like to get the best of me...

Thank him for the sunshine and the rain too....if there wasn't some bad we wouldn't appreciate the good....


Monday, September 26, 2011

Busy Week Ahead....."I will Survive...."

Awesomeness from the weekend:

1.  New Fleetwood Mac Greatest Hits CD
2. Family Time and a Fire! (like the good kinda fire you sit around, not the bad kind)
3. This smurfy hat....

.....yes this is totally mine now!!!
*happy dance*

I have a super busy week ahead of me...... but I had a wonderful weekend and lots of family time :) so maybe that and prayer will get me through it. 

Off to study for economics now....yuck....

Smile :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day Dreaming....

Happy Friday! 

I apologized in advance for the lack of blogging this week, but once again I am sorry. I've had a crazy hectic week and next week is looking about the same. I pulled an all nighter Wednesday night to finish a project. I never expected it to turn out that way but it was for the best. 

My computer screen around 12:30....This is a program we use called illustrator it's somewhat like photoshop. 
At least my all nighter consisted of something that I love to look at...color! But I have to say after 12 or so hours of working on a eyes and brain were give out...

Yesterday morning my studio class had to meet for a site visit at the Little Building Cafe that served as the basis for the study model I built last week. We took measurements and notes of things that would alter our final designs and what not.

I fell in love with this little building! If it were possible I would buy it today and open a store tomorrow! I can only hope and pray that something this right for me is available when I graduate from college. From its exposed brick to the funky tile flooring, it's absolutely perfect and very much so what I would want.

 ...would be adorable with a conglomeration of whimsical flower pots and random stuff out front!

at the moment the interior is set up to house a small little cafe like business....
I've always thought it would be neat to do a bakery type thing along with my other stuff...a set up like this would allow for that.

I love light fixtures like this!

Sky light! soooo pretty! This is pretty much an extra. I would love the building without it....with it just makes it that much better!

and finally to top it off.....this is the flooring!!!! 
I love love love it!!!
This is a close up picture...the circular tiles are tiny!

ohhhh and one more thing to top off the awesomeness that this space has to offer...
there is a little apartment in the back!!!! I could live and work here....
Oh if I could only put into words how extremely happy it would make me to be able to call a place like this home and work! This would be a dream come true! :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I have lots of work to do and bunches of pictures to take!

Smile big :) and enjoy this weather....

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The high school that I graduated from had its homecoming last Friday night and my sister was a senior maid on the court......and she was crowned queen! :) I love her more than words can say and I am extremely proud of who she is and the beautiful young lady she's turned out to be. 
Getting ready...I know she looks a little fierce in this picture, but she was trying to get her lipstick right. :)


Getting Crowned!
The little boy that is helping with her train has the biggest crush on her. It's absolutely adorable and he's precious. He got her a beautiful corsage.

Love it!

This is our little cousin...she didn't want her picture made at first....we had to beg a lot...
totally worth it! She's a cutie :)

These two are from my phone...they are the only ones that I got of us together.
My bestie from high school on the left :)

:) :) :) 

Busy week for me...I'll apologize in advance for my absence this week (but I'll still try my hardest)... 

Happy Tuesday! :)

Friday, September 16, 2011

More thoughts...

I wish that weeks and weekends were sometimes longer so that I could get everything done that needed to be done and then turn around and have ample time to spend with my family. 

I have a bad habit of not believing in myself. I sometimes set limits for myself that are ridiculous. I've never not completed a school project because I couldn't do it or failed horribly at anything. From here on out I have decided to realize from the get go that any and everything is very possible and that there are no limits.

I care deeply about things big and small that are important to me. I am also very sensitive regarding most of these things. I don't like to see or hear someone put something down if it means that much to me. I have made the comment to people before in certain situations that I care too much. I can't help it, it's just who I am. If I died tomorrow and people remembered me as a caring person, I think I would be ok with that.

I don't have a lot of free time but when I do I like to be with people that I care about. Sometimes I make time for them knowing the whole time that later on I'll be spending a sleepless night to make up for it. I don't consider going to church on Sundays as making time for God, it's already his time. If I didn't go I would be the one losing something. My sanity, my ability to take on everything that I do, or worse lose everything. 

 I try my hardest to be open minded about as much as possible. However when I know in my heart that something is right, I'll stand for that. I don't think closing your mind to somethings is necessarily always a bad thing, you just have to know what those things are and where you stand.

I am by no means a saint, but no one is. I try, not always hard enough, but I try none the less. I pray, sometimes I forget to bless a meal, but when  I do, I thank Him for everything. He is my saving grace.

That last line brought back the memory of a song that I loved when I was younger....
    "For grace flows down from above and faith requires a selfless love,
                 for a world that's dying to see the hope in you and me..." 

Point of Grace sings it and the name of it is Saving Grace.....I'm not sure how it fits in with what is weighing on my heart today and what I have written about. As Christians I think we should have it in us to care for people and issues. We should want to share the hope and grace that God gives us. People should see it in us.  Maybe me caring so much is my way of showing the hope that still exists....because it does and always will....

I have to apologize I know my blogs are usually  not serious like this, but I just had it on my heart.
I hope your Friday is filled with smiles and that your weekend is wonderful. My sister is a senior maid tonight on the homecoming court at her high school and I absolutely cannot wait to see her! I love her to the stars and back! I'll post pictures as soon as I get a chance! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Random Bliss List

Helloooo :) 

Yesterday my photography teacher gave us the option of staying in class or going and listening to a lady speak about publishing....I was like awesome! I thought it might give me some ideas on how to get a book published someday. (Since writing a book has recently been added to my wish list) :) I really enjoyed her talk and I got contact information! yay! Contacts are extremely extremely important! We get told this on a daily basis in interior design. You never know when you might need a favor... I am super excited about possibly writing a book...I keep thinking of things like: how can I make it stand out and be different from the norm?....I just keep jotting ideas down and hoping for the best! Whatever is meant to be, will be.... :) and I'll just keep praying for God to lead me..

Random Bliss List!

found this on Etsy and I absolutely love love it!

2. VW Bus..
I have always wanted a teal-ish vw bus....I would travel the country in it....looking for antique and junk stores, yard sales, or anything that made me want to stop and snap a picture of two.

3. My Apartment...
I decided I would share a picture of my humble little apartment......hehe I wish! ;)
My roommate and I had a discussion about where we'd want the bathroom in this adorable tree house...we're thinking middle...and definitely kitchen on the bottom so you don't have to go far with the grocery bags.

4. Word of Wisdom...
 I recently saw this on pinterest...I should probably make a cuter more shadowy version of it in Photoshop, get it framed, hang it by my bed, and read it every morning.

5. French Toast!!!!
I heart french toast...especially if my sweet mommy makes it for me :D!
Thinking about waking the roomie and making a huddle house run....

6. Smooching  Hippie Necklace...
This USED to be on Etsy....keywords there >> used to in someone bought it :(

7. Charles and Ray Eames Pillow...
fabric designed by the amazing Ray Eames!

8. Dyed Tips!
I really like this....I think I could easily hide it when I needed to be professional...and my hair is pretty long and grows fast so when I got tired of it I could just chop it off.

9. Quilt Top
This quilt top is awesome! It would probably be kinda time consuming but it could be a long project.... :)

10. Fireworks...
make me smile from ear to ear...

Look for me on ESPN tonight! :) Ok, so I really doubt you'll see me but I'll be at the MSU vs. LSU game!
Now....time to do something productive... :)

Have an awesome Thursday! :)

My roommate and I at Cowbell Yell last night! (Pep Rally)
It ended with tons and tons of fireworks!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Good Morning!
One of the good things about going to an SEC school is that football is king and on occasion it overrides classes and work (on campus). So when a Thursday game is on the schedule you can bet that Thursday will be a (whole or half) day off dedicated to getting ready for the game and tailgating....This being in a way is my Friday :D  .......however I am a nerd and kinda hate that I don't get to go to my studio class tomorrow :(  on the other hand.....sleeping in tomorrow will be great considering the sleep I have lost so far this week.....goodness there are just so many variables in this equation hehe :)

...the sleep I have lost....this topic brings me here.... I got in bed at 4 this morning, but my study model is finished! yay! *happy dance* 


Back and Roof

Roof (or should I say removable roof) 

What looks like card board around the bottom is chip board (kind of like a fancy card board). It represents the slope of the ground against the building or the way the building sits on the ground...not sure which one is a better explanation. Beside pins I also used this glue stuff... you put it where you want it then you spray it with this special spray that smells ten fumes way too funky and it stays in place forever.....and ever....the really some got on my fingers....eeek....

So I have photography from 12:00 until 2:45...after that much needed nap time...goodness....

Last night (my friend and I were the only two in studio) and I told her, even though it was 3 in the morning I didn't mind being there because what I was doing wasn't something that I absolutely hated doing. In fact, I actually really enjoy being in studio and working on projects. It consumes you somewhat, so you zone out to your own little world....It's a good world :) and I suppose since this is the path I'll be on for a good while, it's a good thing that I enjoy it. :)

Have a wonderful day everyone! :)

Pumped Up Kicks <<< These aren't the original singers of this song, but when I was looking for the originals on YouTube I found this...they have amazing voices!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pictures and Study Model

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday :) I'm a little sleepy...I've been keeping late hours to meet deadlines (life of an interior design student)...I love it :)

So I figured it out :) How to upload my pictures that is...

Snow Cone Stand, Fort Payne

Cheaha State Park, Alabama 

Fort Payne Hotel 


I am so very happy that I finally figured out how to upload my pictures to my laptop :) Even though it's time consuming.... The shots above are just a random few that I have taken recently. I played with a few of these in Photoshop. 

........and tada! here is my almost finished study model! 


Precious little interior....(blank canvas!)


Back door opening and windows...

The model is made out of foam core board and held together by pins. The scale of the model is 1/2" - 1-0'.

The Study model is actually a real building here in town.
Little Building Cafe 

I love it when a project starts coming together and I can really see it coming to life....that makes everything worth it.....

:) Smile big